Love Bomb

I received this interesting email today. I think it was in response to some work I’m doing on a Lutheran organization website. It came to me just as you see it, though, without any context or explanation. She just launched right into the message:

How can any of this be called Lutheran? If the ELCA is involved it is no longer Lutheran or Christian. The decisions of the ELCA are against the teachings of Luther and of the Christian book commonly called the Bible.

Some how the ELCA has forgotten about marriage and the family structure God put into place, the have eliminated the Virgin Mary, and the all important Hell. If none of these things exist anymore, what is the purpose of the church? You should take Lutheran and Church out of the name and just be Evangelicals of America. And then you can leave all of us believers and followers of Jesus Christ alone.

I am praying that you will all find your way to the light of the Holy Spirit. May God forgive all of you for misleading people and compromising their Salvation.

In His Service, A

Setting aside for the moment the beautiful, literate writing — isn’t this an interesting example of how followers of Jesus Christ show love to one another?

This, though is the really precious part:

And then you can leave all of us believers and followers of Jesus Christ alone.

If one of us has a legitimate complaint about not being left alone, it’s me, A. I was peacefully minding my own business when this message dropped out of the blue into my inbox. It never occurred to me to sit around in the evening and write these kinds of love notes to people I don’t know.

I responded to A’s message last night, asking who she was and why was she writing to me. She wrote back this morning.

the bottom of the web-site had your e-mail. I think the proper question is, who are you and why are you misleading people. When you stand before God and he asks you why did you teach these things? I pray you have an answer. May God forgive you all.


This is interesting. I have no idea why this woman decided I was the proper target for her wrath, but I’m definitely amused.

Posted 27 October 2009 by Mark ·